Make money fast with these smart ways to make 100 a day. If you're searching for ways to make extra cash you have come to the right place. Even if you have a couple of hours per week to invest or a couple of days, there are a lot of ways to make 100 a day and even more. How to make 100 a day: 12 smart ways 1.Start a blog Blogging has gained popularity recently. It can provide you with financial freedom, if you're willing to invest time and be patient. It is not a get-rich-quick ordeal. Rather if you do it properly you can end up making more than 100 daily. 2.Take part in online paid surveys and focus groups There are many companies that are willing to pay for survey takers and focus group participation. Taking part in online surveys and online focus groups is a great way to generate separate income. Here are companies willing to pay you for taking online surveys: Survey Junkie InboxDollars SwagBucks Survey Club 3.Get paid to shop How about getting cashback for yo...