Small Business Ideas You Can Try There has been talk about how someone can make money online in today's day and age. There is a variety and methods and ways one can do this. from looking at how you can reinvent old business ideas and tailor them for the online world. Here are small business ideas you can try now that have the potential to be profitable. 1.Virtual assistant The classical term for this was a personal assistant. A personal assistant, also referred to as personal aide (PA) or personal secretary (PS), is a job title describing a person who assists a specific person with their daily business or personal tasks. However thanks to the internet this job is simply done online. It means someone who is a personal assistant that works from home. Furthermore can still access the necessary planing documents, such as shared calendars, from home. Here is a course to start you out 2.Hairdressing services You may be thinking 'how can I do this.' However ...