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 Transnet Bursary 2023

About Transnet

It was founded in the year 1990 and is the biggest logistical freight company in South Africa. It aims to deliver safe, reliable, cost-effective, efficient and integrated services in order to promote the economic growth of the country.

About The Transnet Bursary

They are inviting students to apply for their bursary programme, for the 2023 academic year.

The Fields The Transnet Bursary Covers

The following fields are covered by the bursary programme:

  • Specialist Commercial Bursary (Degree or National Diploma)
  • Engineering Bursary (BEng or BSc)

Expenses The Transnet Bursary Covers

The following are the expenses that will be covered by the bursary programme:

  • Tuition fees
  • Textbook allowance
  • Accommodation
  • Meals
  • Experiential training.

Please Note:
  • The bursary award will be renewed each year based on satisfactory academic performance.
  • Students may be required to do vacation work at Transnet during the June/ July or December/ January holidays.
  • After graduation, bursars may be is required to work at Transnet for the equal duration of the bursary award, depending on the availability of vacancies

Eligibility Criteria For The Transnet Bursary Programme

In order to be considered for the bursary programme, the following are the minimum requirements for the bursary. If you do not meet the requirements your application will NOT BE CONSIDERED.

  • You must be a South African citizen
  • You must have completed Matric or you must be currently in Matric
  • You must be studying or intend on studying full time towards a qualification in one of the fields listed above, in 2023
  • You must be studying or intend on studying at a recognised tertiary institution in South Africa
  • Specialist Commercial Bursary: you must have achieved a minimum of level 5 (60%) for English and relevant subjects in line with the criteria for your course of study, in Matric
  • Engineering Bursary: you must have achieved a minimum of level 5 (60%) for Mathematics, Physical Science and English in Matric

Documents Required For The Transnet Bursary Programme

The following documentation is required and must be submitted along with your application. You must submit clear copies of the supporting documents, this is compulsory and if any of the documents are missing your application will not be considered.

  • ID document (certified copy)
  • Matric latest results, if currently in Matric (certified copy)
  • Matric certificate, if completed Matric (certified copy)
  • Full academic record, including most recent results, if currently studying (certified copy)
  • Proof of tertiary registration or acceptance (on institutions letterhead)
  • Shortened Curriculum Vitae

How To Apply For The Transnet Bursary Programme

You can apply in the following way/s:

Download and complete the Transnet Bursary Application Form 2023 (.pdf)

Please fill in “” in the field that asks how you heard about the Transnet Bursary.

Applications should be submitted in one of the following ways:


Fax: 086 582 7236

Post/ delivery:
Transnet Academy
Faculty of Leadership and Functional Development
15 Girton Road
Inyanda 2
3rd floor

Closing Date For The Transnet Bursary Programme

The closing date is 31 August 2022
If you submit after the closing date your application will not be considered. Apply as soon as possible.

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